Participants:Foreigners in Guangzhou.
Awards:iPad、kindle etc. EVERYONE will be awarded an Award.
Preliminary submission time:
Closing date:30th Nov. 2017(Content: associate with your life in China. Title&style:free ) 100-300 words for elementary learners
500-1000 words for intermediate and advanced learners
Finals:Dec.&Results be published in the mid-Jan.
Email be marked with your name, nationality,contact number (can receive the results of the contest )&Email title should be “ENTRY FOR HAN-BRIDGE”.
Submission Mailbox: syl519038435@qq.com&Hotline: 18102729662 (Natia)
*All entrants must : own work&has never been published in any periodicals&Each person: ONLY ONE composition. &Han-Bridge Center owns the public display right and copyright.